Iron John, a meeting the wild man and Initiation Part 1
Iron John, a meeting the wild man and Initiation Part 1

Iron John, a meeting the wild man and Initiation Part 1

Iron John, or Iron Hans, the Grimm’s Fairy Tale, reveals the process of Initiation interpreted in the tradition of Rudolf Steiner’s Rosicrucian Theosophy.

Iron is the vehicle of the reincarnated ego in the warmth of blood. It is the courage of the ArcAngel Michael who transforms the lesser guardian into the greater guardian in time. Refections and revelations of spiritual transformation are revealed in this first of three talks on Iron John.

‘John’ has roots in Blavatsky’s Stanzas of ‘Dzyan’ (pronounced ‘d’John’, and even ‘Chan’ Buddhism. The individuation of self, through the purification of the physical, etheric, astral, and ego is revealed as the boy matures into a man (girl into woman), and furthermore connects to universal truth, love, mindfulness (manas or spirit self) in the process of becoming a hero for the World Word.