Astrology of Presidential Election #1
Astrology of Presidential Election #1

Astrology of Presidential Election #1

The Last Predictive Astrologer’ Predicts the Presidential Election and shares key astrological aspects of coming Presidential Election so you can see for yourself Astrology Works! Astrologers don’t always!

It’s not about reading your fortune, it’s about earning your own fortune of wisdom insight and love as a transformative force for the good, true, beautiful.

It’s about each of us co-creating better futures of all. Out of freedom and love we each can learn to reach for higher octaves and harmonies bring Peace to this world.

If you like and learn, share and care to donate in support. Robert can be found for further talks, readings, consultations at or on TIkTok in short bursts of insight and predictions, or at

mayflower bookshop at 2645 W. 12 mile rd, Berkley, Mi. 48072

tele~ (248) 547-8227

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thanks for tuning in friends, robert thibodeau ps We create the future together when we love all life and hold all true in heart through time. May Heart wise blessings shine from One to All! Dare to Share!